While Chiropractors are traditionally known for treating spines, they are also trained to assess and treat injuries of the upper, lower extremities and jaw.
Extremities include the upper limb (shoulder, arm, elbow, forearm, wrist, hand and fingers) and the lower limb ( hip, thigh, knee, leg, ankle, feet and toes).
Injuries to the lower limb may change our postural patterns when walking. Hence, disorders of the the lower limb can affect the spine (and vice versa), and injuries to the upper limb can affect the neck and upper back. There are many nerves that send messages back and forth through the spine to and from the extremities, thus it is vital we consider these connections when assessing patients.
Having both sustained ankle and shoulder injuries, John and Michelle know first hand the importance of maintaining optimal biomechanics in the limbs. Their injuries led to further post graduate study in specific manipulation and soft tissue techniques such as Active Release Technique for the extremities.
Conditions successfully managed in our practice have included shoulder impingement and tendinopathy, tennis and golfers elbow, carpal tunnel, osteoarthritis of the knee, meniscal tears, sprained ankles, plantar fasciitis and heel spurs.
Foot Leveler's custom orthotics may be recommended to improve biomechanics and function of the lower limb and spine. These orthotics are made by using weight bearing imprints of the foot on an electronic footplate. These are flexible orthotics with a very low profile and may be fitted in tight fitting shoes.
If you have any queries contact us today.